Friends of Peace and Development Organization

to the most vulnerable groups and affected communities.
support others to reach people in need
Praesent elit quam, placerat eu molestie eu, vestibulum et augue, mattis interdum
Helping the suffering poor

Praesent elit quam, placerat eu molestie eu, vestibulum et molestie

Assisting individuals groups

Praesent elit quam, placerat eu molestie eu, molestie vestibulum et augue, mattis

towards peace and development

Praesent elit quam, placerat molestie eu molestie eu augue, mattis interdum

Who we are

Friends of Peace and Development organization (FPDO)

is a voluntary, non-sectarian, non-profit and non-governmental organization established in March 19, 2003 to promote peace and development in Sudan through mobilizing resources for humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable groups and affected communities.

save community

FPDO’s work

FPDO works in over 11 cite’s and territories in Sudan to save community and refugees lives, to defend their

FPDO’s work

FPDO works in over 11 cite’s and territories in Sudan to save community and refugees lives, to defend their rights ,and to help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up Discover FPDO’s work for every Community, everywhere in Sudan


Enhancing the physical , legal and material security of conflict-affected population ,preventing and responding to incidents of Gender-Based violence (GBV).

Food Security & Livelihood

Save lives and protect livelihood in Emergencies through supporting of food security, agricultural and livestock inputs and services and capacity development .

Mine Action

Mine Action international in designed to support safe movement and resettlement among IDPs, returnees and war Affected Communities and minimize danger and accidents posed by Land mines.


To strengthen national capacities in disaster risk management to better control the impact on health posed by emergencies and disasters .


Contribute towards ensuring adequate and sustainable domestic Water , Sanitation and Hygiene sector service and hygiene practices [ for rural, urban and nomadic people of Sudan.

Capacity Building

The capacities of a professional program for the method of community organization to build the skills and knowledge capacities toenable rural devolpment to benefit from social protection.


strengthen  and  sustain Emergency  education  response  service for needy people  especially  IDPs and vulnerable group.

Peace Building

Efforts to build and sustain peace are necessary not only once conflict has broken out,but through preventing conflict and addressing its root causes.


 DDR  alone  cannot  resolve  conflict  or prevent violence it can however, help  establish  a secure  environment.


The importance of proper nutrition for the human body،Supplying the body with energy


To contribute towards peace and development in Sudan through the following objectives:


FPDO strives towards achieving stability, peaceful coexistence and sustainable development where every individual enjoys his basic rights and where social justice prevails.

دشنت منظمة أصدقاء السلام والتنمية تدخلات إنسانية كبيرة حيث بدأت في توزيع عدد 6,000 من مواد الايواء الغير غذائية  بالإضافة الي مواد …

شراكة طموحة بين منظمة أصدقاء السلام والتنمية ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة الفاو وذلك ضمن التحضير للموسم الزراعي 2024م عبر توزيع 225 طن من …

منظمة أصدقاء السلام والتنمية تشارك في مبادرة إفتتاح مدرسة المستقبل في مركز إيواء تاجوج الثانوية بنات ولاية كسلا يونيو 2024م علما أن …

منظمة أصدقاء السلام والتنمية تهنئ الشعب السوداني بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك وتتمني له حياة آمنة و مستقرة 2024م